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News > Wishaw Family’s Decade of Donations for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

Wishaw Family’s Decade of Donations for Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

The Hawthorns have held a ceilidh in Carluke to fundraise for Scotland’s largest health charity ever since William Hawthorn had a stroke more than 10 years ago. 

When William Hawthorn had a stroke his family were impressed by the support they received from Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland.

So much so they decided that their annual fundraising ceilidh in Carluke would raise funds for Scotland’s largest health charity.

And after nearly £16,500 has been raised since it’s fair to say it’s been a “reel” success.

Primary teacher Alison Hawthorn said: “My dad had a stroke more than 10 years ago now. There were no warning signs it was very sudden. He had some memory issues but he’s made a good recovery from it.

“The stroke nurses were a great help in his recovery so we wanted to help fundraise for the charity just to raise awareness and to continue the support that we got and pass that on to someone else. Once he had his stroke and we saw the support he received we wanted to raise money for CHSS.”

The ceilidh has become a part of people’s social calendar and the Hawthorns have already started planning next year’s event.

Alison said: “We’re really delighted with the support we’ve had. In previous years stroke nurses and CHSS staff have come along which is great. It’s good that we’ve had that support from the charity as well.

“Aimee Russell has kept us in the loop about what the money would be used for and it’s good to hear from the charity throughout the year. We get letters and updates and that’s good to see.

“Next year is booked already and we’ve got our regulars that have the date in the diary.”

Aimee Russell, Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s Community Events and Corporate Fundraiser, said: “We are extremely grateful to William, Alison and the whole Hawthorn family for their support, not just this year, but for the last 10 years.

“Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland supports the one in five people in Scotland who are living with chest, heart and stroke conditions and Long Covid to live life to the full.  Donations like these help us to provide support services in the community to allow people to better manage their conditions and stay healthy.”

If you’re living with the effects of heart disease and stroke and looking for advice and information, please contact Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s Advice Line on 0808 801 0899. You can also text NURSE to 66777 or email

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