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Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland Education

Training and education resources for healthcare professionals

At Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, we believe that sharing knowledge and experience is key to ensuring that people living with our conditions get the best care possible.

Our programme of education provides a high-quality learning experience for professionals from the health, social care, third and voluntary sectors.

We use a blended learning approach, utilising a range of educational formats and digital resources to provide both functional and flexible learning opportunities. Many of our learning and educational resources have optional assessments that provide certificatory documentation of learning.

National Education

We provide national stroke training to healthcare professionals across Scotland, delivered by our National Educator, a post funded by the Scottish Government.
The current focus of the National Educator is to deliver Thrombectomy education, supported by the Scottish Ambulance Service, to registered stroke nurses in NHS Health Boards in Scotland.

Our Link Up and Learn virtual education sessions also provide training to healthcare professionals involved in, or with an interest in, stroke care. Delivered in partnership with the Scottish Stroke Improvement Programme, these one-hour sessions take place fortnightly and cover a wide range of topics from colleagues working in stroke care, with time for discussion and knowledge sharing.

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Local Education

Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, in partnership with local NHS Boards, deliver local stroke training programmes aimed at healthcare professionals and social care staff.

We currently have a Stroke Educator in NHS Fife and NHS Grampian.

A variety of training courses are available which range from introductory level to advanced and give access to the training required to meet the National Stroke Education Pathway. Stroke and TIA Assessment Training (STAT) is also delivered within the local areas.

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Important news: Adding to the HEARTe suite of online heart education, we’ve created an eLearning resource specifically about women’s heart health. This free, online resource, HEARTe15, is for both health professionals and the general public. It is an interactive, evidence-based free education resource about heart disease in women. The content covered includes heart disease signs, symptoms, risk factors, and management in women of all ages.

HEARTe15: Women’s Heart Health

The Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland eLearning portfolio is commissioned by Scottish Government.

Our eLearning portfolio contains learning for healthcare professionals, patients and carers, covering chest, heart and stroke conditions.

These free-to-access online resources have been created by multi-disciplinary healthcare professionals, patients and carers from across Scotland.

The professional resources have optional assessments which, if successfully completed, provide certificatory documentation of learning that can be used as evidence of continuous professional development.

For further information, please contact the eLearning team on


Get in touch

To find out more about Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland’s Education programme, or to get involved in National or Local Education sessions, please get in touch.
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